5 Steps to Relive the Virtual Stressors of Virtual Learning


5 Steps to Relive the Virtual Stressors of Virtual Learning

After a very long arduous year many educators at all levels are barely holding on as they try to wrap up this eventful school year. Some may say that the months before winter and summer breaks are two of the most difficult periods for teachers. Moreover, teaching during a pandemic has only made these periods even more difficult with the challenges and demands of virtual teaching. Educators everywhere are stressed and are just trying to push to the end. I believe, however that we can equip our minds and bodies to finish the year strong by following these 5 simple steps

Exercise: Health is Wealth!

A lot of the mental fatigue that educators experience from the demands of work can affect their physical well-being.  Oftentimes after a challenging day at work many believe the best remedy is to go home and do absolutely…... nothing! Or, on the morning of an anticipated busy day, they hit the snooze button and avoid getting out of bed until the last minute. However, whether it's early in the morning or shortly after arriving home from work, 30-45 minutes of some type of movement 3-4 times a week can better equip the body to get through those long onerous work days. Taking a walk, run or light jog, intramural sports or recreational leagues, yoga, CrossFit are just a few examples of ways that you can keep your mind and body strong and healthy.


It is very important to take time to read for pleasure as educators. Very often educators find themselves so consumed in reading emails, curriculum overviews, lesson plans, and even students' personal work and assignments that they forget to take time to read something that interests them personally. Reading trains our minds to focus as well as fills it with information, motivation, or uplift based on the type of literature you prefer reading. I personally enjoy reading or listening to audiobooks in the morning while I get ready for work. Reading is a great way to help us keep our minds sharp and build durability for those rough work days.

Find Part Time Work

According to the National Educators Association, about 20 percent of teachers hold second jobs during the school year, accounting for roughly 9 percent of their annual income.” Teaching has never been known to be a high paying profession, however, the pandemic has allowed many educators the time and space to create and grow personal businesses. While thinking that more work may get in the way and bring on even more stress for some, it does exactly the opposite. Some choose to stay within the field and do things such as tutoring or mentoring. Another alternative could be creating goods or providing services that may be not related to teaching but fulfills a personal interest or hobby. For those who aren't interested in the demands of creating and growing a business, getting a part time job is another alternative to acquire additional income and simply help take your mind off one’s regular 9-5 challenges.

Plan A Trip/Vacation

As we approach the 30-day countdown of the final school days until summer, it is important to consider planning a self-care trip or vacation. One of the perks of teaching is working 10 months out of the year and having the summers off. With travel restrictions beginning to lighten and various cities and countries opening back up, planning a getaway is a great way to relieve your stress. Now a trip doesn't always mean traveling across or out of the country; you can even consider visiting your hometown or an area with simple things that interest you. Even if it's a short trip for something as simple as dining in a restaurant or visiting a small museum,  taking  time away from your regular environment will be great for the mind and body.

Spending Time with Family & Friends

Lastly, begin devoting more time to bonding and fellowshipping with your family and friends. Very often during the school year, educators become so consumed in the demands of the jobs and needs of their students that they not only forget to take care of ourselves but also forget to connect with some of the most important people in our lives. Consider something as simple as ensuring you sit down and eat with your family every day; or block out an entire day on the weekend to visit friends. Most schools do a great job building a family atmosphere amongst staff, but there is no love like the love from your family and close friends. Always spend time with those that truly matter to you and supported you on your journey to where you are now in life

If it is one, a few, or all, consider these 5 easy steps. I believe that educators will be in a much better position both mentally and physically to knock out this virtual & hybrid school year.


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